Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Typical Jobs Part 1

English teaching

Assistant Language Teacher (ALT)

A foreign national serving as an assistant teacher in a Japanese classroom, particularly for English.
It is also known as Assistant English Teacher (AET), English Language Teacher (ELT) and Native English Speaking Assistant (NESA). ALTs assist in teaching English in schools in Japan. Some ALTs do teach other languages.

ALTs are required to be university graduates, but they are usually not certified teachers like their Japanese colleagues.

JET program

This is a Japanese government initiative that sends native English speakers who are university graduates to Japan as either an ALT, Sports Education Advisor (SEA) or a Coordinator for International Relations (CIR) in capacities in local governments or boards of educations. This program draws candidaes from more than 40 countries.

Eikaiwa (English conversation schools)

These are privately operated English conversation schools with the major chains being ECC, GABA, Nova, GEOS, AEON, Berlitz.

Many people find full time jobs with them or supplement their income with doing part time teaching.



Michael Page Japan

Michael Page Japan is another basic, run-of-the-mill, terrible recruiting company. From their website, they are a British company with about...