Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Michael Page Japan

Michael Page Japan is another basic, run-of-the-mill, terrible recruiting company. From their website, they are a British company with about 1 billion pounds in revenue and more than 5,000 employees. They are listed on the London Stock Exchange.

Already, by the fact that they are a public company with large revenues and numerous employees, this should be a red alert to people. They are a churn factory, and what they do is push people to any number of random positions to meet quota. They will put a furniture worker for an IT data engineer role because, hey, wood working could actually be seen as an engineer of some sorts! Or they may put an English teacher forward for a country manager role, because, hey, this guy has lived overseas and is an international man of mystery!

I have used Michael Page Japan several times. I went to their shitty old offices in Kamiyacho where they tried to portray themselves as international-chic, but they are no more than a bunch of old JET and English teachers who are trying to find a way to stay in Japan without teaching English. It's as simple as that. The Japanese staff there, meanwhile, are washed up corporate rejects who are unemployable and have no skills other that goma suru and brown nosing their bosses, while working as loyal robots with no opinions of their own. Their former country manager is a Euro-dork who is completely clueless and is a passive aggressive moron.

In my next post, I will talk about specific examples of their ineptitude.

Michael Page Japan

Michael Page Japan is another basic, run-of-the-mill, terrible recruiting company. From their website, they are a British company with about...